Episode 9 - What Can Horses Contribute To You?

Sep 28, 2023

I've always been an animal lover. There is such a bigger level of receiving in my world when I am around animals - receiving of me and receiving of them. Horses have helped me navigate the real world.

i want to be a better rider and horse person and I'm learning a lot by being with my horses. When you lack ease and clarity, that's when you are not being you. If you are around horses and you are not being you, you wont get anything out of them.

I'm always happy after being around my horses. Horses will direct intense energy but they have no emotion in their world.

Being around horses has helped me discover me. The one thing horses have shown me is "I am me. I am brilliant." The more I have that in my world, the more ease, joy and glory I have.

I am currently trying to improve my skills as a rider, and I love that my horses teach me the subtleties and nuances in my body.

what can horses contribute to you?
what can chcr contribute to your world?


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