Episode 7 - Work With What You Have In This Present Moment

Jun 09, 2023

Horses have this way of facilitating you. One of the great things about them is that they can't talk; they do everything based on energy, which is sort of what consciousness is based on as well. Whereas, we are a species of verbal creatures. how often do we prefer to use words and thoughts rather than go by energetic information available in the moment? With horses, you don't have to talk to change things. Horses are constantly connected with energy and the earth - and there is a huge level of possibilities in contributing that to us. 

Horses are very much living in the present moment, so when you work with a horse, you have to work with what's going on in the present. This is similar to the Access Consciousness tool of choosing in 10 second increments rather than what happened yesterday etc. Horses know if you are being present and aware in the moment, and when you are not. 

What if you were willing to apply this to people, and work with the person you have in front of you, rather than who they were yesterday or a month ago? And, what if you were willing to do that for yourself? Rather than waking up and judging yourself for what you did yesterday or thinking about all the things you have to get done today, what if you could instead be present with yourself in the moment? What magic and possibilities could be created just with being willing to be present in that very moment without an expectation of the future or a thought of the past?

Watch this episode of Let's Talk Horses for more.



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