Episode 6 - How do you stay connected with your animals when travelling?

May 17, 2023

Animals are non verbal. They don't talk to us, or each other, to say what's going on for them. They project energy. And, distance doesn't need to be a factor.

Years ago when I started travelling, my dog at the time was 10 years-old. He didn't react well to me leaving and became very clingy with his carer. I realised that I had lost connection with him energetically, because I wasn't thinking of him.  So, I tried playing with energy. I really put myself in his world. I flowed energy at him and sent him energetic messages - all the things I would have done if I was home with him. And, he completely changed!

What if you started to play with the energetics and have that connection with your animals when you travel, so they know you're still around and you're going to come back?



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