Episode 18, 2024 - Special Guest, Viv Adcock!

May 23, 2024

Viv Adcock has been around horses and animals since she was a very young girl. The thrill of horses had her feeling at home around them very quickly. After falling from a horse she still allowed horses to help her build trust in herself and the awareness she took from this “accident” became invaluable, even to this day!

We speak about how horses know when to lead and also when it is required for us to be the leaders through trust, relaxation, commitment and presence. 

Viv tells a story about a woman who had such a fear of horses and how at a Conscious Horse Conscious Rider class a giant, gentle horse came and stood by her and everything started to change within 15 minutes. Something, that she acknowledged, would take years of therapy to undo!

She also speaks to how the energy of being around horses can contribute to changing PTSD and other “triggers” with ease. Things we are taught will take years and possibly even a lot of force or “hard work” to undo!

Sarah speaks to how choosing to have horses in your life starts to pull open the spaces in you that you didn’t know were possible without addressing things directly… all of sudden things are just showing up differently. How does it get any easier than that?

Have you heard of horse time? Sarah and Viv speak to how when you’re around horses you just know what needs to get done and it gets done, with ease. Have you got a horse person in your life, have you noticed this about them? They function “different”, beyond the constraints of time and more in the space of awareness and question!


This Weeks Show Questions to Play With!

  • What is trust?
  • What trust in yourself are the horses inviting you to?
  • What have you brought as real and true for you that isn’t?
  • Would you be willing to choose something different if it allowed you to have more of you?


Viv has been an Access Consciousness Certificate Facilitator and Talk to the Animal speciality facilitator. Which has brought her to where she is today.

Find More Viv Adcock:

Access Consciousness Links:

Check Out Sarah Watt:

Mentioned in the Episode!


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