Episode 11 - Special guest, Suzy Godsey

Oct 18, 2023

Join me as I talk horses with Suzy Godsey, a fellow Conscious Horse Conscious Rider Facilitator

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Episode 10 - Special Guest, Connor Hill

Oct 18, 2023

Join me as I talk horses with Connor Hill, a fellow Conscious Horse Conscious Rider Facilitator

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Episode 9 - What Can Horses Contribute To You?

Sep 28, 2023

I've always been an animal lover. There is such a bigger level of receiving in my world when I am around animals - receiving of me and receiving of them. Horses have helped me navigate the real world.

i want to be a better rider and horse person and I'm learning a lot by being with my horses. When you lack ease and clarity, that's when you are not being you. If you are around horses and you are not being you, you wont get anything out of them.

I'm always happy after being around my horses. Horses will direct intense energy but they have no emotion in their world.

Being around horses has helped me discover me. The one thing horses have shown me is "I am me. I am brilliant." The more I have that in my world, the more ease, joy and glory I have.

I am currently trying to improve my skills as a rider, and I love that my horses teach me the subtleties and nuances in my body.

what can horses contribute to you?
what can chcr contribute to your world?

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Episode 8

Sep 11, 2023
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Episode 7 - Work With What You Have In This Present Moment

Jun 09, 2023

Horses have this way of facilitating you. One of the great things about them is that they can't talk; they do everything based on energy, which is sort of what consciousness is based on as well. Whereas, we are a species of verbal creatures. how often do we prefer to use words and thoughts rather than go by energetic information available in the moment? With horses, you don't have to talk to change things. Horses are constantly connected with energy and the earth - and there is a huge level of possibilities in contributing that to us. 

Horses are very much living in the present moment, so when you work with a horse, you have to work with what's going on in the present. This is similar to the Access Consciousness tool of choosing in 10 second increments rather than what happened yesterday etc. Horses know if you are being present and aware in the moment, and when you are not. 

What if you were willing to apply this to people, and work with the person you have in...

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Episode 6 - How do you stay connected with your animals when travelling?

May 17, 2023

Animals are non verbal. They don't talk to us, or each other, to say what's going on for them. They project energy. And, distance doesn't need to be a factor.

Years ago when I started travelling, my dog at the time was 10 years-old. He didn't react well to me leaving and became very clingy with his carer. I realised that I had lost connection with him energetically, because I wasn't thinking of him.  So, I tried playing with energy. I really put myself in his world. I flowed energy at him and sent him energetic messages - all the things I would have done if I was home with him. And, he completely changed!

What if you started to play with the energetics and have that connection with your animals when you travel, so they know you're still around and you're going to come back?



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Episode 5

Apr 29, 2023
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Episode 4 - The first step is being willing to ask for something

Apr 21, 2023

Something that has started seeping into my world is the lesson that horses can contribute to the things we desire. We are taught to work really hard, but what if it's as easy as asking?

In today's episode of Let's Talk Horses, amongst other things, Sarah Watt talks about how horses can assist you to obtain the things you desire; including tangible things and things like relaxation in a world strewn with anxiety.

If you ask for what you desire, and you are willing to go there, it's something that is really available for you.




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